Saturday 01 Jun 2024 - 12:00

07:28 am


King Abdullah at Arab Summit in Jeddah urges capitalizing on opportunities for Arab cooperation

NNA - Jordan's King Abdullah on Friday stressed that there can be no hesitation in capitalising on the opportunities before Arab countries, in service of the interests of their peoples.

Delivering a speech at the 32nd Ordinary Session of the Council of the League of Arab States at the Summit Level in Jeddah, King Abdullah reaffirmed that the Palestinian cause continues to be "the centre of our attention, and we cannot abandon our pursuit of just and comprehensive peace."

Speaking at the summit, attended by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, His Majesty called for stepping up regular Arab meetings, at the highest levels, to achieve economic integration in the region and unify Arab political and security efforts.

The King welcomed Syria’s return to the Arab League as an important step, voicing hope that it would contribute to efforts to end the crisis.

His Majesty stressed the importance of bolstering the political track launched from the Amman Meeting, which built on the Jordanian initiative, as well as Saudi and Arab efforts to end the Syrian crisis and address its humanitarian, security, and political implications.

The King also expressed support for the steps taken by the Iraqi government to restore Iraq’s role and stature within the Arab region, while bolstering its stability, prosperity, and sovereignty. -- Petra News Agency



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