Thursday 02 May 2024 - 12:00

12:52 am


Israeli occupation authorities issue verdict on 5 prisoners of "Freedom Tunnel"

NNA - An Israeli court in Nazareth has sentenced 5 years in prison and a fine to 5 prisoners of the "Freedom Tunnel".

"Russia Today" quoted the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Commission in a statement following the ruling: "The Israeli military courts complete the series of revenge against the prisoners of the ‘Freedom Tunnel’ with unjust sentences."

The Commission continued in its statement: "The Military Occupation Court sentenced five of the Freedom Tunnel heroes to an additional 5 years in prison over their actual sentences, with a stay of execution from 8 months to 3 years, and a fine of 5,000 shekels...and this is an additional indication that proves the racism and brutality of the Israeli occupation, which insists on destroying all human values ​​and international conventions against all Palestinian prisoners and people."

Last December 6, six prisoners managed to escape from Gilboa prison, in what was known to Palestinians as the "Great Escape" through a tunnel dug in their cell, but they were re-arrested within two weeks after their flee.



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