Friday 26 Apr 2024 - 12:00

10:28 am


Time Topic

9:00 Trade and Economy minister Nicola Nahhas launching workshop for facilitating patent appropriation and copyrights role in enhancing competitiveness of small and medium sized enterprises organized by the Department for the Protection of Copyrights at the Trade and Economy ministry in conjunction with YIPO at the Social and Economic Council/ Downtown

9:15-13:30 Public Works Minister Ghazi Aridi itinerant visitors and activities at the ministry office

10:30-12:00 Labor Minister Selim Jreissati itinerant visitors and activities at ministry office

10:00-15:00 Social Affairs Minister Wael Abu Faour itinerant visitors and activities at the ministry office

10:30-11:00 Islamic Shiite Supreme Council Sheikh Abdul Amir Qabalan itinerant visitors and activities

10:30 Workshop over designated law projects submitted by the National Liberal Bloc at Edde Sands/Jbeil

10:30 Press Conference by the Minister of Environment Nazem Khouri at his ministry office. Conference devoted to Wata Joz murder, and reopening of stone quarrying file

11:00 Minister of Agriculture Hussein Hajj Hassan launching its card program for guaranteeing small loans (KAFALAT) at the Agriculture ministry Bir Hssan

11:00 Head of the Beirut Center for Data and Research Abdo Saad holding a press conference at UNESCO Palace in advocating of a mixed electoral system based on the so-called Foad Boutros Electoral law

12:00 Trade and Economy Minister Nikola Nahhas conferring with Iranian Ambassador Ghazanfar Roknabadi

12:00 Shebaa exemplary UAE sponsored exemplary police station inaugurated by Internal Security Chief General Ashraf Rifi

12:30 Contractual LU members staging a sit-in at the faculty of Science 1st branch Hadath

13:30-14:00 Solidarity activities with George Abdallah at the French Embassy Beirut

16:00 Telecommunications minister Nicola Sahnaoui visiting AUB Campus to address students over the necessity for controlling digital world at the Me'mari auditorium/Business Faculty

16:30 The Committee in defense of Lebanese tenets meeting at the CGT main office

18:30 Youth and Sports Minister Faysal Karami hosting Abdul Naser Grand Son at Ramleh Beyda residence

19:00 EU Ambassadress to Lebanon Angelina Eichhorst hosting media representatives at her Yarzeh residence

================ G.G/R.K

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