Sunday 09 Feb 2025 - 12:00

10:15 am


Lebanon’s UN Mission addresses High Commissioner and Special Rapporteur for Human Rights over martyrdom of journalist Issam Al-Abdullah: Israel is deliberately targeting press crews

NNA - Lebanon’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, as well as a number of international organizations, on Friday sent two official letters to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, and the UN Special Rapporteur for the Protection of the Right to Opinion and Expression, Irene Khan, regarding the martyrdom of Lebanese journalist, Issam Al-Abdullah, and the wounding of other journalists in Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon.

Both letters point out the circumstances leading to this heinous crime, and its hostile nature violating human rights, especially the right to opinion and expression. 

The letters call on high-ranking officials to shed light on this crime internationally and to endeavor to hold the perpetrators accountable.

Below are the full texts of both letters: 

“Mr. High Commissioner,

Israel has recently intensified its inhumane siege of Gaza and is ramping up its military operations there, as well as at the Lebanese border, leaving a trail of gross violations of human rights and war crimes.

On October 13th, the Israeli occupation forces directly shelled journalist crews in the Alma Al Shaab area of South Lebanon, causing the tragic death of Reuters' journalist, Lebanese, Issam Abdullah and injuring his colleagues:

Maher Abdul Latif, Reuters Thaer Zuhair Kazem, Reuters

Elie Brakhia, Al Jazeera correspondent

Christina Mustafa Assi, AFP correspondent Carmen Joughadar, Al Jazeera correspondent Dylan Collins, AFP

Mohamed Hassan, Tasnim Agency's photographer.

The media crews were targeted while operating from what was considered a safe distance from the frontlines and from the ongoing military operations or installations. 

Moreover, those journalists were careful to observe all safety protocols, which included clearly identifying themselves as journalists and wearing protective vests and helmets.

These details strongly suggest that the Israeli targeting of the journalist crews was a deliberate act, devoid of any military justification whatsoever and constitutes a blatant use of violence against journalists seeking to exercise their right to freedom of opinionand expression for the common good.

Mr. High Commissioner,

You have always stood for media freedom and independence and for the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and you have continuously found the right words of condemning hate crimes committed against these rights. 

We therefore kindly urge you to make use of all relevant measures afforded by your mandate to make sure that this new Israeli crime won’t remain unnoticed and its perpetrators unaccountable. 

Given your dedication and your moral standing, any action from your side could contribute to prevent the recurrence of such crimes that add up to the ongoing atrocities and war crimes committed by the occupying power against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Journalists operating in war zones put bravely their lives and safety at risk on daily basis. They do it because they believe that timely, reliable and complete information is vital in times of war, which is indisputable. 

Hence, we owe it to them to protect their lives, as well as their freedom of expression and opinion. Let us all join hands in this important endeavor.”


“Madam Special Rapporteur,

Israel has recently intensified its inhumane siege of Gaza and is ramping up its military operations there, as well as at the Lebanese border leaving a trail of gross violations of human rights and war crimes.

On October 13, the Israeli occupation forces directly shelled journalist crews in the Alma Al Shaab area of South Lebanon, causing the tragic death of Reuters' journalist, Lebanese, Issam Abdullah and injuring his colleagues:

Maher Abdul Latif, Reuters

Thaer Zuhair Kazem, Reuters

Elic Brakhia, Al Jazeera correspondent

Christina Mustafa Assi, AFP correspondent Carmen Joughadar, Al Jazeera correspondent Dylan Collins, AFP

Mohamed Hassan, Tasnim Agency's photographer.

The media crews were targeted while operating from what was considered a safe distance from the frontlines and from the ongoing military operations or installations. 

Moreover, those journalists were careful to observe all safety protocols, which included clearly identifying themselves as journalists and wearing protective vests and helmets.

These details strongly suggest that the Israeli targeting of journalist crews was a deliberate act, devoid of any military justification whatsoever and constitutes a blatant use of violence against journalists seeking to exercise their right to freedom of opinion and expression for the common good.

Your mandate was created to protect and promote freedom of opinion and expression and to take action when this right is violated. 

Showing your dedication, we kindly urge you to make use of al relevant measures afforded by your mandate to make sure that this act won’t remain unnoticed and its perpetrators unaccountable. 

Any action from your side could contribute to prevent such crimes committed by occupying  power against the Palestinian poople in Gaza.

Journalists operating in war zones put bravely their lives and safety at risk on daily basis. They do so because they believe that timely, reliable and complete information is vital in times of war, which is indisputable. Hence, we owe it to them to protect their lives as well as their freedom of expression and opinion. Let us all join hands in this important endeavor.”




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