Saturday 18 Jan 2025 - 12:00

08:44 pm


Mawlawi announces winners in North II and Beirut II

NNA - Minister of Interior Bassam Mawlawi on Tuesday announced the names of winners in the North II district, as follows: Ahmad Kheir, Abdel Aziz Samad, Jihad Samad, Ashraf Rifi, Taha Naji, Ihab Matar, Abdel Karim Kabbara, Rami Fanj, Elias Khoury, Firas Salloum and Jamil Abboud.

In Beirut II district, winners are: Amin Cherri, Ibraheem Mnaimneh, Fouad Makhzoumi, Adnan Trabolsi, Waddah Sadek, Melhem Khalaf, Imad Hout, Faysal Sayegh, Edgard Trabolsi, Mohammad Khawaja and Nabil Badr.







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