Saturday 01 Jun 2024 - 12:00

07:02 am


Mikati after meeting El-Sisi: We support your position by rejecting the displacement of Palestinians from their land

NNA - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received today Prime Minister Najib Mikati at the Ittihadiya Palace in Cairo, in the presence of Minister Abbas Kamel and Lebanon's Ambassador to Egypt and the Arab League, Ali Al-Halabi.

Mikati expressed his appreciation for Egypt’s constant support for Lebanon at all levels.

He said: “Egypt, which always bears the concerns of the Arab world, is exerting huge efforts to stop the Israeli aggression against Gaza and end the massacres committed against the Palestinians. We support the Egyptian President’s position in refusing to displace the Palestinians from their land, and his quest to find a solution that begins with a ceasefire and the protection of civilians, working accordingly to fnd a permanent solution to the Palestinian issue that preserves the rights of the Palestinians to their land and their independent state."

The Prime Minister had arrived in Egypt this morning, where he was received at Cairo Airport by Minister of Military Production, Mohamed Salah El-Din.



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